《四海汇风华:亚洲文明博物馆 百件珍藏》100 Masterpieces of the Asian Civilisations Museum



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《四海汇风华:亚洲文明博物馆 百件珍藏》这套图文并茂的书, 介绍亚博珍藏的一百件精品。 文物的选择及叙述, 是由亚博中文义务导览组员, 在亚博策展与研究部门的指导以及新加坡《联合早报》编辑组的建议下, 三方相互配合, 齐心协力所完成的。 盒装套装包括五册, 各有不同主题——源远流长、兼容并蓄、 日月光华、 温文儒雅、意趣怡然。  

100 Masterpieces of the Asian Civilisations Museum is a boxed set of five books, in Mandarin, featuring 100 exquisite highlights of the ACM Collection. Written by ACM’s Mandarin Guides, this publication was completed with the help of ACM’s curators and assistance from Lianhe Zaobao’s editorial team. The five 60-page volumes are themed Faith, Love, Beauty, Purity, and Hope. The publication was produced with Lianhe Zaobao and the launch is held in conjunction with the SPH’s Singapore Book Fair.


ISBN: 9789811841705
Authors 作者: ACM Mandarin Guides 亚博中文义务导览组
Publisher 出版社: ACM
Language 语言: Chinese 中文



