Gifts at every level are vital to the museum. When you give to the Asian Civilisations Museum, you illuminate history in new ways and create incredible ways of seeing the world around us. Help to build the Asian Civilisations Museum into a vital institution which connects Asian cultures, celebrates vibrant discoveries of humanity, and preserves a rich legacy.
Every gift, no matter the size, makes a real difference. Whether you are an individual or an institution, you can make your impact through the following ways.
Your cash gift will enjoy 2.5 times tax deduction in line with IRAS regulations. The museum could further benefit from dollar-to-dollar matching under the Cultural Matching Fund, doubling your gift's impact.
Give via
Leave a Legacy
Help us preserve our heritage for our future generations by pledging a significant gift. Make a bequest to us or establish an endowment that enables us to continue our mission. You may also wish to dedicate this gift in memory of your loved ones.
Your generosity can be acknowledged through the naming of a gallery or programme, or the adoption of our important artefacts.
Contact us at to discuss how we can help continue the legacy of you and your loved ones.
Join the Director’s Circle

Our annual patron programme, the Director’s Circle, is a rewarding and engaging way to support the museum whilst forging friendships with a network of like-minded people. We invite individuals, foundations and institutions to support our efforts in presenting masterpieces of Asian art and new perspectives on Asia’s history to our visitors and audiences.
View our brochure to find out more about the Director’s Circle and the exclusive privileges you may enjoy in appreciation of your support.
Become one of our annual supporters today.
Exhibitions and Programme Support
Every year, we present a series of exhibitions and activities to all visitors, young and old. You can play a meaningful part by supporting these programmes. Through this unique association with ACM, your support enables client engagement, staff enrichment and service to the community.
We are seeking sponsorships for
accommodation, freight and flight.
Get in touch with us at to explore how we can help achieve your corporate or philanthropic goals.
Call to support the Asian Civilisations Museum and the Peranakan Museum
The Asian Civilisations Museum and the Peranakan Museum relies on generous support through donations and sponsorships to further our mission to grow and sustain our efforts in conserving our heritage and culture.
Your support is essential to the work that we do, and your contribution makes a significant impact to our cause. With your generosity, we able to develop inspiring programmes, festivals and exhibitions for the public.
We rely on our patrons and sponsors to support our mission of presenting outstanding special exhibitions showcasing ground-breaking perspectives on Asia. We depend on generous patronage from our donors and sponsors to achieve excellence in presenting these special exhibitions to Singaporean and international audiences.
Your generous support towards our museums will help us further our explorations of Asia through the lens of Singapore, as well as champion Singapore and Asia’s creative and design talents.
We are also seeking general sponsorships for food, beverages, media coverage, décor, publicity, advertising, publication, audio-visual equipment and expertise, freight in support of our exhibitions, programmes and events. We welcome a discussion and/or exploration on sponsorship that you can support.
To support us or to find out more, please contact Nor at For general sponsorship, please email Jane at