Kennie Ting
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Museums around the world have shown resilience and adapted to new ways of being in the post-pandemic world. The Asian Civilisations Museum too has experimented with unique approaches to involve people and communities in exhibition-making, both during and after the pandemic. Earlier this year, the Peranakan Museum’s re-opening concluded almost a decade of major revamps and gallery refreshes for both museums, with the new Peranakan Museum adopting an approach that spotlights people and micro-histories. Join museum Director Kennie Ting as he speaks about how the museums have shifted and adapted over the last few years, as well as their direction and plans for the future.
About the Speaker
KENNIE TING is the Director of the Asian Civilisations Museum and the Peranakan Museum. He has overseen the shift in the museum’s curatorial approach from a geographical focus to a thematic, cross-cultural focus, and from ethnography to the decorative arts and design. He has helmed exhibitions on the arts of Myanmar, Korea, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Japan, and on the material culture of cosmopolitan Asian port cities. Most recently, ACM under his direction has presented exhibitions and experimental showcases on contemporary fashion and photography, spotlighting Asian masters such as Russel Wong, Guo Pei, and BINhouse in partnership with Singapore’s fashion community and industry. He is interested in the history of travel and the heritage of Asian port cities, and is the author of The Romance of the Grand Tour – 100 Years of Travel in South East Asia, Singapore Chronicles: HERITAGE, and Singapore 1819 – A Living Legacy.
The ACM Conversations Lecture Series is generously sponsored by Royal Insignia