Friday with Friends!


Banner Francesco Mancini 10 May 2024

The United Nations and Peace: Aspiration or Illusion?
Francesco Mancini

29 May marks the International Day of UN Peacekeepers, established in 1948 after the Arab–Israeli War ceasefire. Peacekeeping is a prominent tool for the international community to halt war and support peace. Despite over 60 missions in 76 years, global peace remains elusive. Conflicts persist from Gaza to Haiti, Sudan to Ukraine, and Burkina Faso to Myanmar. Can the UN enhance its efforts? Why is achieving and sustaining peace challenging in the 21st century?

About the speaker
Francesco Mancini_Headshot
Francesco Mancini is Vice Dean (Executive Education) and Associate Professor in Practice at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. He is also an adjunct associate professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.
Francesco served as Senior Director at the International Peace Institute until 2014, working in international security and peace mediation, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding in the Middle East and West Africa.
His publications include Security & Development: Searching for Critical Connections (2010) and The Management of UN Peacekeeping: Coordination, Learning, and Leadership in Peace Operations (2017).

Image courtesy of Francesco Mancini.

Organised by the Friends of the Museums (FOM) with support from ACM




10 May 2024, 7-8 pm
Ngee Ann Auditorium
10 May 2024, 7-8 pm
Ngee Ann Auditorium

The United Nations and Peace: Aspiration or Illusion?
Francesco Mancini

29 May marks the International Day of UN Peacekeepers, established in 1948 after the Arab–Israeli War ceasefire. Peacekeeping is a prominent tool for the international community to halt war and support peace. Despite over 60 missions in 76 years, global peace remains elusive. Conflicts persist from Gaza to Haiti, Sudan to Ukraine, and Burkina Faso to Myanmar. Can the UN enhance its efforts? Why is achieving and sustaining peace challenging in the 21st century?

About the speaker
Francesco Mancini_Headshot
Francesco Mancini is Vice Dean (Executive Education) and Associate Professor in Practice at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. He is also an adjunct associate professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs.
Francesco served as Senior Director at the International Peace Institute until 2014, working in international security and peace mediation, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding in the Middle East and West Africa.
His publications include Security & Development: Searching for Critical Connections (2010) and The Management of UN Peacekeeping: Coordination, Learning, and Leadership in Peace Operations (2017).

Image courtesy of Francesco Mancini.

Organised by the Friends of the Museums (FOM) with support from ACM



