Weddings in the Park Showcase
Weddings in the Park Showcase
The first step to forever begins at Hotel Fort Canning, home of the HFC Grand Marquee and three-time winner of Best Outdoor Solemnisation Venue awards.
Be among the first to view stunning, brand-new wedding themes for 2018 and sample highlghts from the banquet menu.
*special on-day offers*
- Receive S$250 shopping vouchers when you make a min. payment of S$5,000 with The American Express® True Cashback Card.
- Sign up for The American Express® True Cashback Card on the day to receive $90 worth of Hotel Fort Canning vouchers.
- Enjoy complimentary one night's anniversary stay in a Deluxe room with breakfast for two when you make your wedding booking with The American Express® True Cashback Card.
Registration fee: $28 nett per couple |$18 nett (selected partners)
Limited places available, register now at or call 6559 6770 for enquiries.