The significance of Sireh Darah
/ July 26, 2017
‘tempat sireh’ (‘sireh set’) is the Baba Malay term for a box with a set of containers used to store the various ingredients used in betel-chewing, a practice common among the Peranakan Chinese.
These gold containers with floral and leaf designs engraved on it, would probably hold ingredients such as ‘kapur’ (lime), ‘pinang’ (areca nut shavings), ‘gambir’ (gambier) and ‘temaco’ (tobacco).
Tempat sireh is traditionally very important in Peranakan culture, with special significance for the Nyonyas. Other than accompanying the day-to-day pleasure of chewing sireh, tempat sireh also played an important ceremonial role in many important rites such as those in a traditional wedding.
This video features famous Peranakan actor and female impersonator, G T Lye.

Reformers: Dr Lim Boon Keng
Dr Lim Boon Keng (1869 - 1957) was an important Peranakan intellectual and social activist. This short video includes interviews with his great granddaughter, playwright Stella Kon, and Mr Alex Tan, Trustee of the Settlement of Dr Lim Boon Keng.

Staging a Peranakan Wedding Bed
The wedding bed was typically the largest piece of furniture in the home of a wealthy Peranakan family. On a typical bed, the frame is ornately carved, and textiles, rich with beadwork and embroidery, hang as decorations. Butterflies, flowers, fish, and other fertility symbols reflect the hope for many children.
Combining traditional and modern designs, and techniques in the embroidery, Kim Choo Kueh Chang created these colourful decorations to showcase the beauty of the traditional wedding bed in a modern setting like Singapore.