Special Exhibitions

Into the Hawkerverse

Date: Now till 2026

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Explore Into the Hawkerverse and meet Hawker Culture heroes!

Into the Hawkerverse (Past) 

Into the Hawkerverse (Past) welcomes children to travel back in time to the exciting days of street hawkers, meet hawker culture heroes and listen to their stories. 

Into the Hawkerverse (Present & Future)

Step into the big shoes of hawkers, discover the encyclopaedic array of hawker dishes and the careful consideration of hawker centre design, as well as glimpse into the future of hawker culture with fancy gadgets and machines.

Play Pot (below 4 years old)

A dedicated playspace designed for children below 4 years old, where they can play masak-masak at hawker stalls using local artisanal felt foods, learn about yummy and nutritious vegetables using healthy-eating plates, frolic in a mee goreng pool, and more.

Planned Gallery Closures

Galleries in the Museum may be closed for maintenance, refurbishment, programmes or private events. Where possible, we'll list the time and date of the closures below. All planned closures will also be detailed on the affected gallery pages. Occasionally we may need to close galleries at short notice for safety reasons. We regret that in these cases we're not always able to alert the public in advance.


The following galleries will be temporarily closed: 


Level 2:


Permanent Exhibitions

A Voyage Back In Time

Now till 2027

Go on a time-travelling voyage with our Captain and WonderBot to olden Singapore! A short, immersive theatre show welcomes you. Find out why our forefathers came to Singapore and experience the perilous journey they took.

Book Tickets

You can purchase tickets by scanning this QR code with your mobile device or clicking on the button below.


Museum Crowd levels


Last Updated: 28 Aug 2020, 4:51:13 PM

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