What's On at ACM

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Displaying Page 127-131 of 131 results
Guo Pei: Chinese Art & Couture
Exhibitions In-Museum Ticketed

15 Jun 2019 - 15 Sep 2019

Examine the relevance and impact of Chinese art, and how Chinese aesthetics and traditions are being reimagined for the world today.

Raffles in Southeast Asia
Exhibitions Ticketed

1 Feb 2019 - 28 Apr 2019

A multilayered picture of Raffles, demonstrating that his legacy is more complex than often understood.

Angkor: Exploring Cambodias Sacred City
Exhibitions Ticketed

8 Apr 2018 - 29 Jul 2018

Learn the story of the French encounter with Angkor, and its sensational emergence onto the international stage.

Joseon Korea: Court Treasures and City Life
Exhibitions In-Museum Ticketed

22 Apr 2017 - 23 Jul 2017

An intimate inspection of 500 years of Korea’s last dynasty, the Joseon (1392 – 1897).

Cities & Kings: Ancient Treasures from Myanmar
Exhibitions This exhibition has ended

2 December 2016 - 5 March 2017

This exhibition introduced the art and culture of Myanmar through some of the country’s finest objects.

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