


HeritageCaresHeritageCares reaches out to the lesser-served communities through a range of heritage programmes at our national museums, heritage institutions and heritage sites. Part of the National Heritage Board’s (NHB) overall community outreach efforts, it is made possible by the generosity of our patrons and corporate donors Patek Philippe and Cortina Watch Pte Ltd. The first wave of HeritageCares programmes is open to all Community Chest beneficiaries.

Designed to encourage family interaction and bonding through heritage, the target audiences for this initiative are families in difficulty, persons with disabilities and/or special needs, youths-at-risk, and senior citizens. Participants can look forward to quality educational experiences at our museums and heritage institutions. Through the programmes, NHB aims to bring together Singaporeans of all ages and walks of life, encourage giving back to society through heritage programmes, and enable heritage to be more accessible and inclusive for everyone.

HeritageCares is also a platform for volunteering opportunities for Singaporeans as well as corporate and public organisations. If you would like to give back through HeritageCares, do sign up as a volunteer by e-mailing